Project Proposal

The way to solve the issue of deforestation is to reduce the amount of trees being cut down. Between 2000 and 2005, the rate of forest change increased by 7.7% to 0.76% per annum. In total, between 1990 and 2005, Mali lost 10.7% of its forest cover. Also, there are different villages in Mali that are setting up groups called Naam, groups that are combating against poverty and desertification. These people are planting trees and trying new farming methods. Also there is a program that was set up by women named C.A.R.E. C.A.R.E. ,(Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere) is a tree program and the purpose of this program is to prevent desertification by saving trees and encouraging people to limit human activity in the forests.

Our solution to Deforestation is to plant Gliricidia Trees, plant trees on a protected land, use charcoal instead of wood as fuel instead of wood. If people were to cut trees on the protected land, they would be pressed charges. Gliricidia Trees help restore the nutrients to the soil so it would help the future trees grow. By using a protected land, it’s guaranteed that those trees will grow and won’t get chopped down. Our plan is to create an organization called “Deforestation Aid”, Deforestation Aid is an organization that helps rural people invest in their environment by teaching them better ways of farming. We shall do this by introducing them to smart crops, which are crops that don’t require as much water or attention as other crops do. For example, beans and black eyed peas require hot temperatures and less water. Another way that my colleagues and I will help Mali in deforestation aid is by showing them better techniques in farming. For example,Crop rotation- growing different crops in the same field. This is a really good technique because it avoids the consequences of putting the same plants on the same soil. This is also a key element of the permanent and effective solution to pests problems. Many pests have a specific preference for each crop.