
Mali (also known as the republic of Mali) is a country located west of Africa. Mali is the 8th largest country in Africa, with a population of 14.5 million people. Bamako is the capital of Mali. Mali is a landlocked country, meaning that it’s surrounded by other countries. The deserts in Mali are known as one of the hottest deserts in the world, such as the Sahara Desert. Mali has different kinds of land, to great plains to forests and deserts.

Mali’s biggest problem is Deforestation. Deforestation is the cutting of trees. Mali uses 6 million tons of wood for fuel and timber. At least 4,000 Square Kilometers area of trees are cut down annually to meet this need. From 1990 to 2005, the forest cover went from 14,072,000 (1990) to 12,572,000 (2005).

Our solution to Deforestation is to plant Gliricidia Trees, plant trees on a protected land, use charcoal instead of wood as fuel instead of wood. If people were to cut trees on the protected land, they would be pressed charges. Gliricidia Trees help restore the nutrients to the soil so it would help the future trees grow. By using a protected land, it’s guaranteed that those trees will grow and won’t get chopped down.

This is also good for the animals in the forest, this will cause less problems for the animals and their habitat because it will increase their life expectancy. This will give animals the chance to survive and thrive longer in their habitat. Less species of animals will be in crisis of extinction.