Country History
Before British rule Ghana was a tribal land with their people believing in many different religions and speaking many different languages. Ghanaian tribes were ruled by kings called Osei Tutu. Higher powers made money by being in the council while commoners farmed, served in the markets, and traded to get money before Britain imperialized Ghana. Pre-colonial Ghana was the gold center of Africa. Ghana was known to trade with Sub-Saharan countries, neighboring countries in Africa, and with Eastern European countries. Ghana first became colonized by the British in 1902. After many years of being part of the United Gold Coast Convention (UGCC) Ghana finally became an independent country in the late 1940's. Ghana is now a multiparty democracy much like the United States. Ghana has judiciary, executive, and legislative branches of their government. They also decided on laws and other legislation through a parliament. They have many exports such as aluminum, gold, cocoa, and timber. Ghana suffers from poachers and deforestation of their once plentiful rainforests, and also suffer from droughts which hurts their agricultural exports. Ghana now is involved with trading with Nigeria, UK, China, U.S, Netherlands, Cote d'Ivoire, France, and India.